Release Date 10 Years Sep 14, 2012 Limited
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Actors For 10 Years
Channing Tatum,Jenna Dewan-Tatum,Justin Long,Max Minghella,Kate Mara,Chris Pratt,Rosario Dawson,Lynn Collins,Oscar Isaac,Ari Graynor,Brian Geraghty,Ron Livingston,Anthony Mackie,Eiko Nijo,Aubrey Plaza,Scott Porter,Aaron Yoo,Nick Zano,Isaac Kappy,Sara A. EmamiGenres 10 Years : Drama,Comedy
Visitor Ranting & Critics For 10 Years
User Ranting 10 Years : 3User Percentage For 10 Years : %
User Count Like for 10 Years : 9,347
All Critics Ranting For 10 Years : 5.8
All Critics Count For 10 Years : 56
All Critics Percentage For 10 Years : 59 %
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Movie Overview For 10 Years
A group of friends reunite ten years after their high-school graduation.TagLine 10 Years
Who Got Fat? Who Didn't Change? Who Got Rich? Who Got Hot?Trailer For 10 Years
Review For 10 Years
A bracingly un-gimmicky, heartfelt and fresh take on the theme of growing up.Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post
Even the most exhausted, hackneyed and innately annoying genre can yield a film of breezy charm and prickly dramatic consequence.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle
An inconsequential high-school-reunion comedy that gets better when it stops trying to make you laugh.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe
Linden manages to overcome what would seem to be a premise fraught with peril with a lot of help from a likable cast, making "10 Years" a surprisingly enjoyable movie.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic
'10 Years' is a surprisingly solid variation on a familiar tune.
Richard Roeper-Richard
Writer/director Jamie Linden and his excellent cast beautifully evoke the sentimental magic inherent in their scenario.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News
It's easy to see how Linden attracted such a star-studded young cast. Most every character has his or her own moment, and many of them deliver lines that stick with you.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service
To hate 10 Years is like hating the enthusiastic girl who organizes your high school reunion-- can you really be so mean when so much effort was made and a reasonably good time was had by all?
Solid, most notably, Lynn Collins, whose Anna is the most deeply explored character in the film.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes
The ingredients are there, but not the follow-through: This resolutely niceness-first film just won't stir the pot.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle
a pleasing mix of belly laughs and gentle sighs. When the plot twists, and the secrets are revealed, what they lack in surprise they almost make up for in a gentle, heartfelt sincerity.
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews
This should be a new rule for filmmakers: If the people you're following aren't as interesting as the real folks you know and love, your movie won't be much to leave home for or come home to.
Dan Lybarger-KC Active
There is an embarrassment of wealth in the young acting pool participating in this enormous ensemble filled with drama and comedy.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews
It's about as much fun as spending 100 minutes in a room full of annoying strangers.
Robert Levin-Film School Rejects
[Linden] also makes a wise decision by having his cast drinking and/or drunk throughout the entire movie. The audience would do well to do the same.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid
Trite, banal and underwhelming.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru
"10 Years," which should have abandoned its attempted comedy and focused on its somewhat effective drama, unintentionally backfires by proving that a real-life Hollywood couple has less on-screen chemistry than two actors who've practically never met.
10 Years is no Big Chill, but it has just enough warmth to keep it alive.
Cary Darling-Fort Worth Star-Telegram/
..the major players all feel real and relatable and the Albuquerque location projects anywhere U.S.A.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews
Mediocre reunion pic, great cast.
James Verniere-Boston Herald
Maybe check back in another decade?
Jeffrey Lyles-Lyles' Movie Files
The final third is superb but the first two acts are unfortunately disjointed in this well-cast drama.
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood
A bittersweet ensemble comedy about how much people and circumstances can change while staying quite the same.
Mark Dujsik-Mark Reviews Movies
A full-blown entertainment of observational humor and relatable poignancy.
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