Release Date Lawless Aug 29, 2012 Limited
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Actors For Lawless
Shia LaBeouf,Tom Hardy,Jason Clarke,Guy Pearce,Jessica Chastain,Mia Wasikowska,Dane DeHaan,Chris McGarry,Tim Tolin,Gary Oldman,Lew Temple,Marcus Hester,Bill Camp,Alex Van,Noah Taylor,Mark Ashworth,Tom Proctor,Bruce McKinnon,Erin Mendenhall,Toni Lynn ByrdGenres Lawless : Drama
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Lawless
User Ranting Lawless : 3.8User Percentage For Lawless : 75 %
User Count Like for Lawless : 102,517
All Critics Ranting For Lawless : 6.5
All Critics Count For Lawless : 201
All Critics Percentage For Lawless : 67 %
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Movie Overview For Lawless
Set in the Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a bootlegging gang is threatened by authorities who want a cut of their profits.TagLine Lawless
When the law became corrupt, outlaws became heroes.Trailer For Lawless
Review For Lawless
It's slight and casual to the point of laziness, but it's straight fun, done with knowledge and a laconic pleasure. You could do far worse.David Thomson-The New Republic
The center of narrative gravity is hard to locate; for whom are we rooting, and does anything really ripple outward from this nasty local fight?
Anthony Lane-New Yorker
Fans of The Proposition will have to settle for sublimely evil performances by Gary Oldman (as a murderous rival) and Guy Pearce (as a government agent) and a large quotient of gut-wrenching violence.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader
With a dynamite cast, an iconic screenwriter in rocker Nick Cave and an Aussie director in John Hillcoat, you assume a new classic. What you get is an ambitious try.
Peter Travers-Rolling Stone
You can sense the filth, and smell the rust, and feel the ingrained poverty that might well convince a family of survivors (of World War I and the Spanish flu) to make their fortune selling moonshine to their neighbors.
John Anderson-Wall Street Journal
There's something at the movie's heart that remains flimsy and inauthentic, a kid in his older brother's ill-fitting shoes.
Dana Stevens-Slate
Hillcoat makes a foray into Virginia's Prohibition-era moonshine country. But the adaptation (by Hillcoat compadre Nick Cave) is a hokey piece of pop history that wearyingly insists upon its own mythos like a comic-book blockbuster.
Nicolas Rapold-Film Comment Magazine
This fact-based drama succeeds because of its great cast and its strong story of loyalty and brotherhood.
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood
The movie is smart and focused on what it's trying to be.
Will Leitch-Deadspin
Hillcoat exhausts every gangster cliché he can cram into a would-be epic distilling hooch, cooch and putsch into a diluted Scorsese mash.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger
If only LAWLESS weren't such a superficial endeavor, these parts would add up to a very entertaining whole. As is, the movie is fun while it lasts but forgettable soon after.
Meredith Borders-Badass Digest
A pumped-up, Hollywood-flavoured neo-Gothic Western delivering knockout performances and raw, corporeal thrills.
Catherine Bray-Film4
An impressive Aussie line-up shines in this tale of Prohibition-era bootleggers.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground
Lawless features a unique villain and several great supporting actors, but none of them are able to rise above what is pretty standard crime movie material with nothing really new added to the mix.
Lawless is a compellingly nutty and uneven gangster film.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine
fairly entertaining
Richard Knight-Knight at the Movies
Appropriately solemn and violent, yet strangely lifeless. I imagine a better film was lost in the editing room, and will hopefully be found on Blu-ray.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth
Tale of bootleggers has genre kick
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit
Every time things heat up, the film down-shifts just long enough to keep you from getting too engaged in the characters, some of whom disappear for reels before popping up again.
Jim Schembri-3AW
Just as he did in his adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Hillcoat creates a very specific and unnerving sense of place in Lawless.
Perry Seibert-TV Guide's Movie Guide
...[Hillcoat] has an ability to capture violence in a way that breaks through a century of cinematic desensitisation - when someone gets hurt in a John Hillcoat film you feel it.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat
The strong narrative will keep you interested. The graphic depiction of the violence also gives Lawless a heavy dose of realism.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane
Director John Hillcoat's terrifically acted prohibition era thriller, inspired by the real-life story of the Bondurant brothers, shows how the American dream starting to go wrong - before it even existed.
Luke Buckmaster-Crikey
Don't expect to be carried along by big action and cliched dialogue, Lawless expects you to do some of the work yourself by immersing yourself in this richly textured world.
Tim Martain-The Mercury
The film as a whole is no classic. Between sporadic bursts of very intense violence, there are often drifty, drowsy scenes that struggle to justify their relevance.
Leigh Paatsch-Herald Sun (Australia)
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